Website for award-winning watercolor and oil painting artist
website featuring image display, artist's bio, links to art associations, etc.
design/art direction/production

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Patrick Purcell Artist's website image
Website for sculptor and jeweler Patrick Purcell
Designed to show both facets of his business, his current inventory,
and market his custom jewelry design services.

design, art direction, production

Pat Barkman Website image

Website design for artist Pat Barkman
Designed to feature Pat's watercolors and oil paintings, organized
according to the location of her subjects.

design/art direction/production

Classical Alpaca Farm Website
Classical Alpaca Farm
Website focused on marketing books, but designed to accomodate the marketing and sales of other alpaca related product in future
Site featuressample pages, author bio, purchase through PayPal, etc.
design/art direction/production
PC Magazine Calendar Package A+ Magazine Owners Manual Button digital Review, Awards Package Button PC Magazine Poweruser Button PC Magazine, Poweruser Booklet Button A+ Magazine, MacUser Button

Will Kefauver Design • 914.589.9101 •

home | direct mail | corporate | magazines | type | websites | books | about

Kefauver Illustration Website
Kefauver Illustration
Marketing for illustration business
featuring display of artwork, artist's bio
design/art direction/production

Kefauver Fine Arts Website
Kefauver Fine Arts
Fine art marketing website featuring artwork display, artist's bio and statements, work in progress tutorials, purchasing feature through PayPal
design/art direction/production

Portfolio Preparation Services WebsitePortfolio Preparation Services
Website marketing portfolio assistance for high school students applying to art schools and college level art programs
featuring marketing information, services and pricing descriptions and guide to art school programs with pop-up lists of curriculum topics by school
design/art direction/production

HIdden Gallery Website

The Hidden Gallery
Commercial art gallery website featuring news, artist's bios, artwork displays
design/art direction/production


PC Magazine Calendar Package Button PC Magazine, Poweruser Package PC Magazine, Poweruser Followup Brochure A+ Owners Manual Button Digital Review, Target Awards Button Scholastic Button Will Harvey Type Button Willy K Design type Mental Math Type Design Super Susan Type Button Wild Boy Type Design Button Joey Ramone Type Button Gentry Mag Logo Button Hidden Gallery Button Classical Alpaca Farm Website Button Kefauver Illustration Website Button Kefauver Fine Arts Website Button Portfolio Preparation Services Website Button Hidden Gallery Button Ruth Newquist Site Button Kefauver Illustration Site Button Portfolio Presentation Services Site Button Classical Alpaca Farm Site Button Kefauver Studio Website Button Kefauver Studio Website button Classical Alpaca Farm website button Kefauver Illustration website button Portfolio Services website button Ruth Newquist artist's website button Patrick Purcell artist's website button Hidden Gallery website button